"The results... It's a very interesting thing. It seems like purely analytical work, and then it starts. Is it a lot? Is it not enough? And what is the quality? And how do we feel? What do we need more of? What should be reduced? Oh, these results. For the fourth year in our five years of existence, we have been publishing an open report on our annual achievements. And we could say that we think a lot, but this year was really about intensive work. Project after project, new scales, team expansion. We learned how to work in departments, delegate, and find new ways. Did you achieve all your goals? It's hard to say, because the main thing we've learned this year is to plan for many years ahead, even despite the war. So we'll see, we'll see."
Always yours, School of ME Team
were in progress during the year
197 organizations & teams
have received support from us for 5 years
13 people
joined our team
A brief summary of the main points
What did we do during the year? With whom and how did we do it?
18:35. Business Support Program for Youth-led EnterprisesRound 1 and Round 2
We continue our successful partnership with the international organizations IREX and MCI in implementing the Rapid Business Support Program for Youth-led Enterprises. We have recently successfully completed the first intake and continued the program with the second round of participants.Within the framework of this project, we, with the help of our partners, provide mentoring and expert support and conduct training activities to support the development of youth enterprises, as well as facilitate financial support for program participants in the amount of $10,000 for each participant. 35 businesses joined our program.
18:35 Social Edition. Business Support Program for Social Youth-led Enterprises
In the summer of 2023, we expanded our partnership with IREX and MCI and launched the 18.35 SE (Social Edition) project, with a focus on supporting youth social enterprises. The 16 selected enterprises will be included in the incubation program, and upon its completion will receive financial support of up to $10,000.
Social Student Companies to Activate the Youth
In the fall of 2022, we officially completed a long-term project to develop social school entrepreneurship, Social Student Companies to Activate the Youth, which was implemented in partnership with ChildFund Deutschland e.V. with the financial support of the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany. The final stage of the project focused on helping to overcome the challenges of wartime - coaching and psychological support for school enterprise teams. We've partnered with 4 NGOs and helped to found 10 new social student companies.
As a logical development of the previous project, we held the Social Student Company Award Ukraine, an award for the best social school enterprises. Of the 29 participants who submitted their applications, 6 received financial and mentorship support to continue and expand their activities in the war and postwar period.
Social Impact Award Ukraine 2023
We are holding the third national competition for the implementation of the international Social Impact Award initiative, which has been developing innovative youth social startups in Europe, Asia and Africa since 2009. This initiative supports innovative ideas of social entrepreneurship and for more than 12 years of its existence has prepared a huge amount of educational materials on social entrepreneurship for young people in various aspects, developed a methodology for implementing a training project and an incubation platform in accordance with the highest international standards. This year, we attracted a significant number of teams - 20, given the difficult external conditions. The teams of young social innovators will undergo a full-fledged incubation program, and the best ones will receive grants to support their ideas and join the international community of social entrepreneurs covering 25 countries.
We launched the second round of the STALI 2.0 project, an incubation program on crowdfunding and self-sufficiency to boost NGOs and social entrepreneurs. Representatives of 20 teams from all over Ukraine joined the project's training events to put their knowledge into practice.
from a youth center to a social business
We started working as implementing partners with ISAR Ednannya in a UNICEF project to develop social entrepreneurship based on youth centers called "Strengthening the capacity of young people to become agents of change through the development of adolescent life skills and support for youth activism in 7 western regions." It is planned to create 15 social enterprises.
We have launched a large international project with the support of the European Union in partnership with ChildFund Deutschland e.V. and organizations in Moldova. Georgia and Armenia, with a significant title "Fostering Youth Social Entrepreneurship and Practical Career Management Skills in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia through the Innovative Social Student Companies (SSC) Approach" or simply #StudBizEU. The project aims to develop the SSC ecosystem through the creation of hubs, training of trainers and the establishment of new social school companies, as well as the transfer of Ukrainian experience to international partners.
Partners and donors
details about all our projects
The main goal of the project is to expand economic opportunities through youth innovation, entrepreneurship, and career readiness.
This year, we graduated the first set of participants and started working with the second set.
As part of the first intake of the rapid business support program for youth enterprises "18:35. Business Support", we provided mentoring and expert support to 20 youth businesses (small and medium-sized), which were assisted with expertise to develop an individual plan for the recovery and adaptation of business during and after the hostilities, as well as with finance to achieve their business goals.
As part of the second set, we selected 15 youth businesses.
The project is being implemented under the "Мріємо. Діємо" program, with the support of the International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) and Making Cents International (MCI).
✔ Individualized expert assessment of specific business needs and development of a plan for quick and focused support
✔ Assistance in changing the focus of the business and reorientation (if necessary), adapting the business to the conditions of doing business during and after the war
✔ Access to financial assistance and expert support to support the company's recovery plan and realize business goals. Each of the selected participants will have the opportunity to receive about $10,000 to develop and support their own business (the final amount of financial assistance will be determined individually for each company).
✔ Business counseling and mentoring to provide ongoing support to youth businesses in implementing their recovery plan and managing their financing. Each enterprise will be assigned a mentor who will work with it for at least 2 hours per week for 4 months.
Invited experts will consult each business for at least 1 hour every 2 weeks for 4 months. Mentoring/expert support will cover the following topics (but the list of topics is not exhaustive):
→ financial management
→ sales and marketing
→ risk management
→ market entry
→ logistics
→ supply and inventory management system
→ general management
→ Communications, innovation and digital technologies
→ Business/organization development and business sustainability
→ strategic planning, financing, etc.
✔ Based on the experience gained in working with the first set of participants, we have set new limits for mentoring and expert support for the second set of participants, namely
Each company received 24 mentoring consultations, 4 expert consultations and 8 separate consultations to help them develop business plans and fill out documents for obtaining financing
✔ Familiarization with other existing financial opportunities for business support
In April 2023, a campaign was launched to select participating enterprises to participate in the Program.
As part of the information campaign, publications about the second stage of the program were posted on the resources: ● Гурт, ● Телеграм-каналі “Твій космос можливостей”, ● Простір, ● Інстаграм, ● На сайті Програми “Мріємо та діємо”, ● На сторінці Програми “Мріємо та діємо” у Facebook.
We received 111 applications from Ukrainian companies.
The Commission selected 15 companies:To Ta Torba - ФОП Футерко Софія Олегівна WONDER - ФОП Єрмоленко Катерина Олегівна ChocolifeBox - ФОП Дашенко Анжеліка Віталіївна Гола Гречка", крамниця без паковання - ФОП Сидоренко Софія-Юлія Анатоліївна TM Anzy Home - ФОП Змієвська Анна Віталіївна Студія масажних практик Санріно - ФОП Василик Ірина Вадимівна Вертикальна сіті ферма Future Farm - ФОП Кислейко Микола Михайлович NUB WORKSHOP - ФОП Масюткіна Олександра Геннадіївна Магазин подарунків товарів соціальних підприємців "ДоброДій" Онлайн кінотеатр Титр- ТОВ "КИЇВМЮЗІКФІЛЬМ" - засновник та керівник Марікуца Кирило Васильович ФОП Молчанова Євгенія Ігорівна ФОП Сірман Ольга Михайлівна Your jam - майстерня джемів та соусів - ФОП Стеценко Ярослав Валентинович Art Dance Studio Анни Трофімчук - Велнес Студія Дар'ї Бєлової - керівник Трофімчук Анна Юріївна She Flowers - ФОП Шимко Вікторія Віталіївна
With the help of partners, 18 grants were awarded to project participants;
For the development of small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine, the project has conducted 6 video podcasts on various topics, from strategic planning to the specifics of export activities, among other activities;
On 09/15/2022, a video podcast on "Exports and International Markets" was held.
Expert: Olga Hvozdova is an expert in international trade and export promotion with 10 years of experience in business consulting and advocacy. She is an advisor to the Director of the Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development, coordinates the work of the Analytics and Strategy Department at the Office. She is a trainer in the development of exports for small and medium-sized businesses, selection and research of foreign markets, and a certified consultant in the field of product requirements for the EU market. Before joining the Office, she worked in a business association and the public sector. She studied international economics at Ukrainian universities and EU economics and business at the College of Europe in Belgium. Moderator of the event: Ph.D. Artem Kornetskyi, Head of the School of ME.
The following topics were raised during the event:
● What is the main mistake of Ukrainian entrepreneurs entering international markets?
Which markets have the greatest potential now: Asia, America, Europe?
● short practical life hacks: what should Ukrainians pay attention to when starting to export?
Does the government have a plan to help small and medium-sized businesses enter international markets?
● the recession will soon begin, what should Ukrainian businesses do now: expand or switch on the saving mode?
The event was accompanied by sign language interpretation and was open to a wide audience. As of 11.10.2022, the video podcast has been viewed by 466 people.
On September 20, 2022, a motivational meeting was held on the topic of Inclusive Entrepreneurship. Guest speaker: Dmytro Shchebetiuk, Ukrainian public figure, founder of the organization "Dostupno.UA", author of the project "Toaster", athlete, blogger, host of the "Inclusion" section of the #@)₴?$0 program from Toronto Television.
The program of the event:
I. Introduction, meeting with the speaker.
II. History and background of the organization, protection of the rights of people with disabilities and people with limited mobility.
III. What is accessibility, inclusion. For whom it is, who are MHN.
IV. Accessibility trend, normalization of disability, motivation for active life. Values.
V. Stories of change, cases from personal experience about changes in people's lives as a result of creating accessibility (both architectural and mental).
VI. The value of accessible business for people.
VII. The most common myths about accessibility in business.
VIII. Basic elements of accessibility in locations. Examples, cases.
IX. Communication and interaction with people with disabilities.
X. Financial and reputational benefits for business.
XI. Answers to questions.
On 12.10.2022, a video podcast was held on the topic "Building a brand presence in an unfamiliar market: positioning through engagement and resonant content".
Speaker: Oleksandra Allison-Sizova, founder, director of enable.growth agency (UK), ex-Google, London Business School, Microsoft, Cisco. Oleksandra has been creating educational marketing programs for business leaders of the world's leading companies for over 15 years, and also provides consultations for Ukrainian businesses on how to effectively build a marketing function in the company. Born in Kyiv, Oleksandra was educated in the US, Europe and the UK and has been living in London since 2015.
The issues discussed during the event were:
Where to look for new strategies and tactics to optimize customer experience through omnichannel marketing?
What is data marketing and how can even small businesses use it?
why is the social component of brands so important and what will happen to this trend?
how to create resonating content?
how to integrate top marketing trends for sustainable business growth?
The event was accompanied by sign language interpretation and was open to a wide audience. As of 10.11.2022, the video podcast has been viewed by 329 people.
On 26.10.2022, a video podcast on "How to build a business on creativity" was held.
Guest: Sasha Fidkevych, entrepreneur, managing partner of Yevhen Klopotenko's projects.
For more than 6 years of project management, Sasha has managed to build a successful and systematic business with more than ten different areas united under the Yevhen Klopotenko brand. Today, the project has a unique business model for Ukraine and operates as a closed-end marketing agency.
Currently, under Sasha's leadership, the project employs more than 25 people - teams of food producers and social media specialists, copywriters, video and photo production, project managers, analysts, PR, and the customer service department. As a director, Sasha forms the business model of the project, deals with finances, is responsible for achieving annual and quarterly strategic goals, develops the organizational structure, forms the team and corporate culture.
Moderator: Ph.D. Artem Kornetskyi, Head of School of ME
The following issues were discussed in the issue:
creativity and systematicity: how to combine these mutually exclusive components?
You have created a unique business product for the Ukrainian market: a closed-end marketing agency. How does it work? Are there any analogues in the world?
Where to look for funding and how to turn creativity into commerce?
What are the subtleties of working with creative people?
How to create an influencer with a minimum advertising contract worth UAH 1 million from a business and management perspective?
The event was accompanied by sign language interpretation and was open to a wide audience. As of 10.11.2022, the video podcast has been viewed by 293 people.
Improved GRSI policies of the School of ME organization in accordance with IREX standards for implementation in project activities and, in general, in the organization's activities.
On 07.12.2022, a video podcast on "Creative Problem Solving" was held.
Speaker: Oksana Sedashova, PhD, Associate Professor at KROK Business School, International Ambassador for Creativity in Ukraine. Oksana unlocks the creative potential of people from all over the world, works with national and international companies, trains teams from governments of Ukraine and other countries, modernizes brands, and helps entrepreneurs start businesses.
Issues discussed during the event:
How to respond to problems?
How does the creative brain work when looking for ideas to solve problems?
How can constraints stimulate creativity?
Basic principles of creativity
Tools for finding ideas and solving problems: CPS (Creative Problem Solving) Method of Forced Constraints)
Training creativity, blocking stereotypes, finding opportunities, solving problems
The event was open to a wide audience. As of 12.12.2022, the video podcast has been viewed by 90 people. It was planned to accompany the broadcast with sign language interpretation, but due to technical problems (an emergency power outage at the interpreter's place), the broadcast was held without sign language interpretation. However, after the video was completed, the recording was sent to the interpreter for translation. A version of the video with sign language accompaniment is currently being edited and will be posted on Spotify and YouTube.
For a larger-scale information impact, the School of ME team prepared a collection of video podcasts conducted during all previous stages of the project and posted them on 2 platforms for access by a wide audience:
Spotify https://cutt.ly/2MqjcYi
On 12/20/2022, a video podcast on the topic "Biology of Stress Resistance" was held.
Speaker: Petro Chernomorets, PhD in Biology, lecturer at Kyiv-Mohyla Business School. Co-author of the democratic school "Future".
Issues discussed during the event:
Is it possible to learn stress resistance?
A biologically based way to reduce stress levels
Meditation to reduce stress: yes or no? What does science say?
Hormones and stress: how to manage the situation
Checklist. What you should pay attention to when taking care of yourself.
The event was open to a wide audience. As of January 10, 2023, 262 people have watched the video podcast.
On 26.01.2023, a video podcast was held with the participation of one of the finalist companies of the project on the topic of IT education.
Speakers: founders of the IT Banda online school, participants of the 18:35 program.
Issues discussed during the event:
What can you learn in IT in 3 months?
What income can IT graduates expect?
How has the IT industry changed in the world and in Ukraine recently?
What does a business get from participating in acceleration or training projects?
How to turn your business into a social business?
The event was held for a wide audience, with sign language support. As of 02/13/2023, the video podcast has been viewed by 168 people.
On February 06, 2023, a video podcast was held on the topic "About the craft business".
Speakers: founders of the Agroelf craft bread workshop (Cherkasy).
Issues discussed during the event:
How profitable is the craft business in Ukraine in 2023?
What kind of team is needed for a successful craft business?
What are the biggest challenges for craft producers in Ukraine today?
How has participation in the 18:35 project affected your business?
The event was open to a wide audience. As of 02/13/2023, 125 people have watched the video podcast.
A Glossary of Inclusiveness for Business has been developed, which will be further supplemented with new terms, if necessary, based on the experience of the project team and involved experts.
A survey was conducted on the awareness of GRSI issues among the project teams, according to the form developed by the expert.
Ongoing interaction with the selected service provider to prepare recommendations for increasing the level of accessibility for target audiences from vulnerable groups for the enterprises participating in the program (Dostupno.UA), culminating in the preparation of relevant Recommendations, which were finalized and finalized by the team and partners.
● Based on the survey results, adapted the training program to the individual characteristics of the selected enterprises;
● As part of the selection of participants for the second stage of the Program, a live broadcast with answers to key questions was held at 18:35 on April 14, 2023. The live video was also available for viewing after the meeting. The number of video viewers as of 11.05.2023 was 822. The speakers were representatives of the project team (Viktor Konopkin, Anna Hladka (SoME)) and partners (Inna Lubynets (MCI), Valeria Sergienko (IREX)).
The representatives of 15 companies selected at the preliminary stage signed agreements to participate in the Mentoring Program through the Vchasno electronic document management service, according to the developed template.
On June 22, at 15:00, the first online meeting with the Program finalists was held, during which they were preliminarily acquainted with the Program and the rules of participation in it, according to the prepared presentation with answers to the main questions of the project.
● On July 8, 2023, a Kick-off offline event was held for project participants. The event was attended by representatives of 14 enterprises of the finalists of the second round.
The 15 selected participating enterprises and their business needs were assessed, and relevant reports were prepared with a list of recommendations for mentoring/expert support.
● The Program website was updated (with information on the participants of the second round)
● Mentors were selected for participating companies according to their individual business needs. A total of 12 mentors were selected.
Meetings were held to introduce each team to its mentor, which ensured the beginning of interaction between the teams and mentors to receive advice and develop individual business plans with the assistance of mentors.
● A mentoring support program was launched. During the reporting period, 32 mentoring consultations were provided with a total duration of 44.5 hours. The topics covered during the consultations included marketing, market analysis, competitive advantages, business processes, supply chain development, and others.)
The International Research & Exchanges Board (IREX) is an international non-profit organization that specializes in international education and development.
Making Cents International (MCI) is a dynamic social enterprise that has been increasing economic opportunity in developing countries for over 12 years. So far, more than 130 projects have been implemented in more than 60 countries.
The project began in the summer of 2023, and this time the focus of support was on social youth enterprises.
Support for youth social enterprises. To define a "social enterprise," we agreed with our partners on 3 features:
✅ Profit redistribution model
the business transfers at least 20% of its profits to achieve social impact: information about this is public and contributions are made regularly.
✅ Employment model
the business provides social and labor integration of people from vulnerable groups: at least 50% of the total staff.
✅ Model of socially significant goods/services
the company is engaged in social innovation: it creates new goods or services in the social, educational, and environmental spheres.
✅Work with the Program experts to conduct an expert assessment of specific business needs and further develop a business plan.
Experts will help you develop a detailed budget for grant support and a description of activities to receive financial support.
✅Assistance in changing the business focus and reorientation (if necessary), adapting the business to the conditions of doing business during and after the war
Access to financial assistance and expert support to support the company's recovery plan and realize business goals. Each of the selected participants will have the opportunity to receive about $10,000 to develop and support their own business (the final amount of financial assistance will be determined individually for each company).
Business counseling and mentoring to provide ongoing support to social youth enterprises in implementing their recovery plan and managing their finances. Each enterprise will be assigned a mentor who will work with it for at least 1 session (1-1.5 hours) per week for 6 months. The invited experts will advise each business for at least 12 sessions (1-1.5 hours per session) during the Program.
The selection of enterprises participating in the program lasted until August 31, 2023.
The selection of participants in the Program was announced through an information campaign. Among other information channels, an article about the Program was prepared and published in the authoritative publication The Village.
On August 10, 2023, a Q/A session was held to answer basic questions about the Program with the participation of Valeria Sergienko, IREX Grant Manager, Inna Lubynets, MCI Ukraine Team Leader, and Artem Kornetsky, Head of School of ME (the session was viewed by 150 people as of August 05, 2023).
The application period for the Program ended on August 31, 2023. A total of 60 applications for participation in the Program were received and transferred to the stage of technical evaluation (verification of compliance with the minimum qualification requirements) before the selection of fifteen finalists by the competition committee.
The project Social student companies to activate the youth was implemented by School of ME in partnership with Kinderhilfswerk ChildFund Deutschland e.V. with the financial support of the Federal Foreign Office of the Federal Republic of Germany Auswärtiges Amt
This is a large-scale initiative to develop social student companies (SSC). We have created a system of local support for SSCs by training SSC coaches to assist schoolchildren and school administrators to ensure the effectiveness of this process.
In the reporting year, we completed support to existing social school enterprises under martial law.
The final project report was prepared and successfully accepted by the partners.
For broader support, project participants were invited to participate in the Social Student Company Award Ukraine competition.
The information campaign about the project was conducted using online tools - the project website (https://schoolofme.me/studbizaward) and social media, targeted emails to a database of 100 schools. The target audience was school students, schools with social enterprises, and social school enterprises participating in the Social Student Companies project.
The requirements for selecting social school enterprises to participate were as follows:
🔵 school enterprise is already registered and operating, or preparing to enter the market;
🔵 The school management wrote a free-form letter of recommendation to support the company participating in the competition;
🔵 The social school enterprise is listed in the catalog of social school enterprises https://studbiz.in.ua/.
The information campaign reached 162,210 people and ensured the participation of 29 social school enterprises in the selection.
Before the online selection of winners:
A prize fund of EUR 9,500 was secured to award the winners.
Five recognized experts in the field of social entrepreneurship were involved in the jury for further selection.
Four professional mentors were trained to mentor the winners.
The online event was held in Ukraine, in Kyiv (online). Date - 22.12.2022. Time - 16:00. The link to the saved online broadcast is available on the project page. https://schoolofme.me/studbizaward
The jury evaluated the participating teams during the pitching and selected the best ones to receive prizes.
Due to the threat to the safety of the participants, the event was held online. The broadcast took place on the basis of a professional live studio. As of December 2022, 549 people watched the broadcast. A recording of the broadcast was also posted on the organization's social media.
The key participants were members of 20 SIA 2022 teams, representatives of the jury, foundations and organizations, as well as the community of social innovators in Ukraine.
The jury awarded 4 teams with grants of €1500 each:
An app to support the mental health of caregivers. It helps to track mood changes, monitor medication, communicate with counselors, and support other patients.
A social enterprise that helps elderly people create knitted products to not only have space for development, but also to better integrate into society and earn additional income.
Melt Water
A unique technical solution for obtaining premium drinking water, thanks to the innovative Freezing Process technology, from water of ANY salinity, including sea water. In fact, we have the technology to solve one of the global problems of mankind.
10:11 is a three-month online personal mentoring program for high school students in Ukraine. Mentors reflect on their past so that mentees can improve their future.
And one team won the community vote prize of 1500 euros:
Volunteering map
An interactive online map of volunteering activities that simplifies communication and logistics between Ukrainian volunteers and those who have experienced the humanitarian crisis as a result of the war
A large-scale project to develop social innovation startups in Ukraine. All activities are divided into four areas: education, community, popularization, and support. Out of 116 registered and 54 submitted projects by social startup teams, we selected the TOP 20 to participate in the incubation program.
The Social Impact Award Ukraine 2023 was made possible with the support of SAP, Ukrainian Social Venture Fund, and SILab Ukraine.
Information about the project is regularly updated on the following resources: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/schoolofme.ukraine), the organization's website (https://schoolofme.me/), and the project website (https://ukraine.socialimpactaward.net/).
The essence of the project:
From among all the applications, the authoritative jury of the competition selected 20 participating projects that will be included in the incubation program
Based on the results of the incubation program, the jury will select 4 winning projects, each of which will receive a first investment of €1500. Additionally, a fourth winner will be selected by open vote. Representatives of the winning project will receive an additional prize of €1000.
The free online incubation program is valid for 20 selected projects from July to September 2023.
Each team will have access to closed workshops to gain new knowledge on social entrepreneurship and networking.
Each team will be supported by a personal mentor to help them understand specific issues of running a social business.
During the selection process, 54 project applications were submitted through the SIA platform.
The selection of 54 applications was based on the following criteria:
1. Social value (impact):
The relevance of the selected problem for the target audience.
The value and significance of the project's contribution to society as a whole.
2. Innovation:
Novelty and non-standard approach to solving the problem.
Difference from existing solutions.
3. Realization:
Realism of the business model.
Availability of resources for implementation or understanding of how to get them.
4. Team:
Experience and potential of the project team members.
Motivation of team members to implement the project.
To complete the selection process, a jury of 9 reputable experts was selected.
20 Ukrainian social startups joined the Social Impact Award community:
"TrueVoices is an inclusive artistic space where verbal theater plays a major role. Verbal theater captures real-life narratives by using interviews as the basis for powerful performances that reflect the human experience.
3D printer in the lyceum
will allow students to implement their own 3D projects, acquire new knowledge and skills, and conduct master classes. The students who will implement the project will feel like mentors and creative tutors.
A platform where beginners in SMM, graphic design, and copywriting can gain real experience and develop their own portfolio.
A service for Ukrainian IT professionals to find direct contracts with foreign companies.
Vishunka, a voice assistant for learning foreign languages
is a mobile app that uses artificial intelligence to speak to the user in the language the user is learning. A kind of teacher in your pocket.
Crowdfunding platform for books "Vydala Hromada"
Vydala Gromada is an online service that helps authors raise funding, provides printing, logistics to bookstores for a percentage of the funds raised.
Creation and sale of tourist souvenirs dedicated to Zhytomyr region, products of artisans and young artists. Development of the tourism industry, providing resource support to the youth center of Zhytomyr region.
The social enterprise "MAM" is an initiative aimed at creating a specialized space for women on maternity leave, where they can relax, improve their health, socialize and receive support to facilitate their motherhood
[math; +∞) [from math to plus infinity]
Competency-based math courses with a scientifically based approach to learning, where children learn about the world and discover their own potential.
Mentum tries to meet the needs of the average person in obtaining documents quickly at a price lower than that of lawyers.
Youth Space
This is a social business that includes: coworking space, event space, handmade shop and art sale of local craftsmen's items, soft skills training programs for youth, students and high school students.
Numo is a platform that will help everyone to run with the help of paid challenges and will also allow you to earn money on it.
aims to help psychologically traumatized dogs brought back from the war zone. The project is working on opening the first rehabilitation hub in the country
Recycling of plastic bottles
Recycling of plastic bottles as an excellent raw material for the production of flex, a secondary polymeric raw material for the manufacture of chemical fiber, using a polymer crusher.
Rescue of four-legged animals
Rescue of animals affected by the war in Ukraine. Supporting shelters, rebuilding shelters and animal enclosures.
The right to spend time together: Barrier-free accessibility with pets
The project "The Right to Shared Time: Barrier-Free Environment with Pets" project aims to create a friendly and accessible environment for pet owners, where their pets can be with them in public spaces.
Embroidery school
Establishment of an embroidery school in mountainous regions to restore traditional crafts and techniques and provide jobs.
Sita Nation
Through our project, we aim to overcome the problem of poverty, namely to help IDPs living in remote villages to start agricultural activities, as it is difficult for them to find a job due to logistical problems.
Open space eco-farm "Horodynka"
Creation of an eco-farm for growing organic vegetables. The eco-farm will have a demonstration format, open access for consumers with the opportunity to observe and, if desired, participate in the production processes, and raise awareness.
Weapon Transformation
The Weapon Transformation charitable foundation is dedicated to transforming military artifacts from the frontline into art objects. The initiative has united more than 80 artists from different parts of Ukraine and is constantly expanding its membership. In addition to weapons, the artists paint bomb shelters, create murals, and hold art exhibitions, and have raised more than 400,000 hryvnias for the needs of the army through the sale of lots at auctions. Also, more than 160 vehicles for the Armed Forces, the Special Forces, and the National Guard were camouflaged. Another area is humanitarian aid for an orphanage for children with special needs.
As part of the project, to popularize impact entrepreneurship among a wide audience, we held workshops in an online format and in an open dialogue format with a keynote speaker moderator. The topics covered were "Is social entrepreneurship a temporary trend or a new reality?" and "Social impact - how to define, what principles, what to measure, and how." .
The project 'STALI 2.0. Incubator for NGOs and Social Entrepreneurs' is implemented by School of ME with the support of ISAR Ednannia within the framework of the Civil Society Sectoral Support Initiative implemented by Isar Ednannia in consortium with the Ukrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR) and the Center for Democracy and Rule of Law (CEDEM) thanks to the generous support of the American people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) - USAID Ukraine.
STALI 2.0 is the second season of the incubation program on crowdfunding and self-reliance to nurture social entrepreneurs and civic activists.
The program runs from December 26, 2022 to December 26, 2023.
2 online workshops for a wide audience and pre-selection of participants
8 months of immersion in incubation and strengthening of projects, products and teams
3 educational and 3 practical modules on crowdfunding
and self-sufficiency
15 teams from all over Ukraine were selected for incubation
Immediately after the training, participants launch crowdfunding campaigns
strengthening communities - participants will hold 2 online workshops in their communities and share their experience and crowdfunding opportunities for local organizations
pitching projects to entrepreneurs, CSR businesses and potential partners
1) The announcement of the project launch was published on February 16.
2) The project website page was prepared - https://schoolofme.me/stali
3) The first online workshop was held on March 1, 2023.
- The online workshop is 1.5 hours of theory and practice for those who want to understand how crowdfunding works.
The first workshop covered the following topics:
the new season of the STALI program,
case studies of STALI 2021 teams,
why crowdfunding is not just about money.
practice for those who don't know where to start.
The workshop was attended by 84 people representing the target audience (representatives of NGOs and social entrepreneurs (based on NGOs).
Invited experts:
Anna Devyatko (head of the NGO English to the East, graduate of the UCU School of Journalism (2020) and the UCU Institute of Leadership and Management (2023). She is also a finalist of the last season of STALI from School of ME.
4) the second online workshop was held on March 10, 2023, on
how representatives of crowdfunding platforms see crowdfunding (My City),
what is important to consider in crowdfunding
How to double the funds raised through affiliate programs
how to apply for the STALI incubation program
how to get a consultation within the STALI program
Target audience: representatives of NGOs and social entrepreneurs (based on NGOs).
The number of registered participants is 65 people.
Invited experts:
Sergiy Lukachko, CEO of the crowdfunding platform Moye Misto and the GladPet project, which are the corporate social responsibility of Netpeak Group.
5) 16 workshop participants applied for expert advice
Experts have been selected to provide consultations:
Liudmyla Nikitina (representative of the Spilnokosht crowdfunding platform), Serhii Lukachko (CEO of the My City crowdfunding platform and the GladPet project, which are the corporate social responsibility of Netpeak Group), Anna Devyatko (head of the NGO English to the East, a graduate of the UCU School of Journalism (2020) and the UCU Institute of Leadership and Management (2023)), Mila Yazvinska - marketing and communications expert (pro bono), Denys Bortnikov - crowdfunding expert (pro bono), Ksenia Pecherska - legal issues, CSO registration and project reporting (pro bono).
7) On March 28, 2023, we started the selection of incubator participants - the selection lasted until April 10 inclusive.
We received 52 applications from teams with a total of 154 participants.
During the selection process, 15 teams were selected as participants:
БО “БФ “Мрію жити”,
БО БФ “Центр громадських ініціатив “Турбота”,
ГО “Агенція розвитку локальних медіа “АБО””,
Громадська ініціатива “ХАробрість”,
Громадська ініціатива “МАМА САМР UA”,
БО “Благодійний фонд "Я-Херсон",
Соціальне підприємство “BlackCherry Studio”,
Соціальне підприємство “Черв'ячОК”,
Громадська організація “ДонорUA”,
Соціальне підприємство-виробники крафтової продукції з м’яса, БО БФ “Синергія Сердець”,
Простір соціальних та молодіжних ініціатив Rada hub (ГО Агенція Вільного Розвитку),
ГО "Олександрійська молодь”,
Громадська організація "Надвірнянський туристично-інформаційний центр",
Соціальне підприємство ФОП Табанець Т.Г.,
ГО “ДЦМ “Добро”.
8) An agreement was signed to create an online course on crowdfunding on the Prometeus platform. Massive open online course "Crowdfunding" is a free course with open registration for all interested students, posted on the Internet on the Prometheus platform, consisting of video lectures, interactive tasks, as well as a forum where students have the opportunity to ask questions and receive answers from the course teacher(s) and communicate with each other. Successful completion of such a course provides the student with the opportunity to receive an electronic certificate.
In April, the incubation program for selected teams began.
Module 1 was held on April 28-29, 2023
Invited guests and experts:
1) Volodymyr Sheyhus - Executive Director of ISAR Ednannia
2) Andriy Remizov - Director of the State Institution "Office for Entrepreneurship and Export Development"
3) Ksenia Yemshyna (-Gotsko) - Master Technology of Participation, expert on youth leadership and youth participation, speaker on the topic of wow effect.
Module 2 will be held on May 12-13, 2023 (conducted online)
Invited experts:
1) Alina Poznanska - facilitator, mentor, expert in project management and team building, co-owner of the Poznanski brand, head of the NGO City of Active Citizens. Author and director of documentary films.
2) Liudmyla Nikitina - Communications Manager of the Big Idea / Spilnokosht project
Module 3 was held on June 24-25, 2023
Invited experts:
1) Oksana Robak - public speaking coach, Disc model specialist, mentor at IT Hebron Academy, mentor of the 10 minute conference participants.
2) Daria Novoseletska - Communications Manager at the Institute of Leadership Management and Coaching, in 2022 Communications Manager at the Charitable Foundation "SpivDiya", Master of Media Communications at the Ukrainian Catholic University (UCU). Over 3 years of experience in communications, in the public, charitable and commercial sectors.
3) Vitaliy Maltsev is a creative producer, director, and screenwriter. Skillfully works with meanings and presents them in video. Case studies: Ukrainian Volunteer Service, Naftogaz, Metinvest, L'Oreal, Зe!, Big Money forum, Diia.Business Odesa, innovative companies, developers.
The project participants have already launched their crowdfunding programs and received results:
● The Мрію жити Charitable Foundation was the first to launch the project. "School Dream aims to collect school backpacks for children with cerebral palsy/ras.
● The Memorial Memory Platform not only launched the project "'Kalyna of Memory. Let's Honor the Fallen Heroes" project, but also completed the collection with more money than planned. In total, the collection was completed by 127%.
● Charitable Foundation "Я-Херсон", whose fundraising is aimed at overcoming the consequences of the Kakhovka hydroelectric power plant explosion, has completed 35% of its goal.
The project "Strengthening the capacity of young people to become agents of change through the development of life skills of adolescents and support for youth activism in 7 western regions"
Youth centers in Ukraine play an important role in supporting and developing young people, but raising funds has always been a challenge for them. The aim of the project is to provide tools for financial sustainability to newly created and existing youth centers through social entrepreneurship. Thus, they will start selling goods and services and use the profits for their core activities.
The project proposes a comprehensive program to create a social entrepreneurship sector based on youth centers. This program will include the selection of motivated representatives of the centers, assessment of their capabilities and challenges, development of roadmaps for the creation of the above-mentioned area, as well as educational, mentoring, and expert components. At the end of the program, the youth centers will have business plans and will receive financial support to start their business activities.
1. On 26.07.2023, a joint broadcast was held as an implementing partner on the Facebook page of the open day of the project "Youth Capacity Development in Western Ukraine".
2. In partnership with the NGO "Youth Platform", a workshop for young people on "Business Models" was held on 25.08.2023.
3. Trainers have been identified and 5 workshops for UpShift participants have been agreed upon, which will be conducted by the project team at the request of UNICEF, on the following topics: Social entrepreneurship, Communication in startups, Social school entrepreneurship, Business modeling, Fundraising in youth projects.
4. In partnership with the NGO "Youth Platform" on 07.09.2023, participated in the final selection of 11 youth centers
5. Updates to the organization's policies and procedures on safeguarding children's rights
6. Organization's self-assessment on SEA was conducted on the UN Partner Portal platform
7. Landing page for the Youth Centers Incubator was created, aimed at transforming Youth Centers into Social Enterprises.
8. Launched an information campaign to select youth centers for participation in the program with the aim of creating social enterprises on their basis
Fostering Youth Social Entrepreneurship and Practical Career Management Skills in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia through the Innovative Social Student Companies (SSC) Approach
An international project to Fostering Youth Social Entrepreneurship and Practical Career Management Skills in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia through the Innovative Social Student Companies (SSC) Approach.
Over the past few years, the School of ME team and a number of activists and educators have established dozens of social school enterprises in Ukraine. Now this experience will be shared with other countries, namely Georgia, Armenia and Moldova, under the auspices of the EU and ChildFund Deutschland e.V.
To promote the active participation of young people both in democratic life and in labor markets, thereby contributing to sustainable and smart growth, social cohesion and the reduction of inequality.
To promote the development of social school entrepreneurship among young people and develop career management skills, digital skills and skills necessary for a green transition through an innovative educational concept of SSE, involving representatives of civil society, government and entrepreneurs at the local, regional and national levels.
Result 1: The necessary foundation for the development of a successful SSC in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia was laid by empowering representatives of NGOs and youth centers as competent trainers, developing training materials and creating an online portal for SSC.
Result 2: An educational program on SSCs with potential for national and international expansion was implemented in schools across Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia and Armenia, resulting in the creation of at least 24 SSCs and 100 young people receiving short-term internships at social enterprises.
Output 3: Good practices from the local pilot programs are disseminated at the national level in all four countries through awareness raising activities and published materials, and through the integration of the SSC model into curricula and/or local school systems in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia (based on the successful Ukrainian experience).
Outcome 4: Permanent national and transnational networks and partnerships of SSCs and partnerships are established, and an annual award for the best SSCs in Ukraine is established.
Result 5: Youth affected by armed conflict (those who have faced the brutality of war and psychological and social trauma) have gained skills and knowledge to increase economic and social resilience in their countries through access to the project's online courses on social and green development, skills and psychological support.
● Adolescents aged 14-18 and their parents
● General secondary education institutions
● Vocational education institutions
● Representatives of public organizations, youth centers and schools
● Small and medium-sized enterprises, businesses, youth clubs
● Representatives of authorities at the regional and national levels
● 5 youth centers will become hubs for the development of the SSC in their regions/communities● Each youth center selected in an open competition will receive: training of 2 trainers on the ToT program; practice in the form of workshops for students in schools;additional practice in running a school in creating an active SSC;grant support in the amount of 2 thousand euros; Mentoring support for the development of the school-based program within the framework of the SSC.
The Ukrainian successful experience of our organization will be transferred to the project partner countries: Georgia, Moldova, and Armenia.
The project has just started, and our team has provided consultations to the partners in order to help them set up six focus groups to study the current state and possibilities for effective implementation of the SSC model and the legal framework for further development of the SSC in Moldova, Georgia and Armenia.
With that, our fourth public report comes to an end. We sincerely hope that after reading it, you will be a little more confident in the future of mindful entrepreneurship in Ukraine. We are always in touch via Instagram, facebook or em.emfoloohcs%40olleh. Thank you for your time and see you soon!