Summer 2020 — Summer 2021
A year of ambitious desires and daily work.A time of change in society and team.
We, the School of ME, are faulty optimists and are confident that the business of the future will be100% environmentally friendly and mindful.
Thank you to everyone who has been with us this year. But we move on together, you know?
Greetings, friends!
For the second year, we have been publicly presenting the annual report. We will not recount all the challenges faced by organizations, enterprises and each of us last year. But we are extremely proud that this did not prevent hundreds of people from undergoing training, certification, changing themselves and the world around them, because it does not happen otherwise with conscious entrepreneurship.
Then we will tell you about everything and everyone in detail, and right here we want to thank our partners, thanks to whose support our ambitious dreams turn into a clear plan. Dear ChildFund Deutschland e.V, International Renaissance Foundation, Nechytailo Family Foundation, East Europe Foundation, WNISEF, USAID, ISAR Ednannia, SILab Ukraine, UCU Center for Entrepreneurship, you are the friends with whom everything is possible.
Well, let's go?
Artem Kornetsky
Co-founder and head of the School of ME
Important figures
4 projects
were in operation during the year
826 people
completed training in our projects during the year
2.929.752 ₴
directed to the development of mindful entrepreneurship in 2020 (financial report)
Who are we?
What is "conscious entrepreneurship"?
We continue to develop the direction of social school entrepreneurship, within the framework of the Social Student Companies to Activate the Youth project, which is aimed at training trainers in social school entrepreneurship for school teams, curators, school representatives and popularizing this topic in 200 schools in Ukraine.
The project is implemented in partnership with ChildFund Deutschland e.V. with the financial support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Federal Republic of Germany.
This is a large-scale initiative for the development of social school entrepreneurship (SSHP). We have created a system of support for SSHP on the ground, preparing trainers on the subject of SSHP, who will provide assistance to schoolchildren, and curators from schools to ensure the effectiveness of this process.
The project includes several stages:
Creation of an online platform for social school entrepreneurship in Ukraine
Holding round tables to inform about the possibilities of social school entrepreneurship
Our next steps in this project in 2021-2022:
1) Training of finalist schools - support during 4 months of development of SSHP in schools with training by responsible trainers, 200 students were covered.
2) Visit to Germany – 16 representatives of schools and NGOs go to get acquainted with the local practice of the SSHP.
3) The Conference on Social School Entrepreneurship is a large-scale event with a presentation of established school social enterprises.
Social Impact Award Ukraine 2021
A large-scale project for the development of social innovative startups in Ukraine. All activities can be divided into four areas: education, community, popularization, support. Among the 39 teams of social startups, we selected the TOP-10 to participate in the incubation program.
Social Impact Award Ukraine 2021 became possible thanks to the support of the Western NIS Enterprise Fund, the Nechytailo Family Foundation, SAP, the Ukrainian Social Venture Fund, SILab Ukraine, the International Renaissance Foundation and the European Union in Ukraine.
Information about the project is regularly updated on the resources: Facebook, the organization's website, as well as the website of the project itself.
The essence of the project
How did we select participants?
were covered by an information campaign about the project through various communication channels, they received information on the topic of social entrepreneurship and available opportunities to support and develop their ideas in this area in Ukraine.
participating teams
applied for participation in the incubation program
of participating teams were selected in the short-list of the best ideas for evaluation by the jury
authoritative experts
in the jury of the competition for selection in the incubator
training seminar
to explain the process of selection and submission of applications for the incubator program
for the development of social entrepreneurship
workshop participants
were involved
The Incubator for NGOs and Social Entrepreneurs
is implemented bythe School of ME with the support of ISAR Ednannia
within theCivil Society Sectoral Support Initiative
implemented byInitiative Center to Support Social Action "Ednannia"
in consortium with theUkrainian Center for Independent Political Research (UCIPR)
andthe Center for Democracy and Rule of Law (CEDEM)
with the support of theAmerican people
through theUnited States Agency for International Development USAID Ukraine
modules on crowdfunding and self-sufficiency
months of immersion in incubation and strengthening of projects, products and teams
a team from all over Ukraine got incubated
● Immediately after the training, participants launch crowdfunding campaigns.
● Strengthening communities - participants will hold 2 online workshops in their communities and talk about their experience and crowdfunding opportunities for local organizations
● Pitching projects to entrepreneurs, CSR business and potential partners
Among the 38 applications, 21 teams from 10 different regions of Ukraine were selected
● Double N● English to the East● Community Development Agency "Intonation of Change"● Vlada Brusilovskaya Foundation / The Vlada Brusilovskaya Fund● Cedos● Constellation Korostov - NGO Constellation Korostiv● Lviv Open Lab● Keeplife● SciHunt● ARD of the Tauride Association of Territorial Communities● NGO Zero Waste Society● CRGI "Podilsky Krai"● Kremidovka, German Cultural Center● RoboklubIF● Public organization #SuperDetka● Big Hug● Center for the Development of Hearing Impaired Children● "Sunny people"● Charitable Foundation "Impulse. UA"● Tourist club "Manovtsy"● Peli can live
Mindful Business Day
On April 28, we held an Online Conference on the Social Economy in Ukraine.
The event was aimed at social, school, impact, creative and green entrepreneurs and those who want to become them: representatives of existing businesses who want to improve their social responsibility system; business students for whom it is important to understand business trends; representatives of NGOs thinking in the direction of business.
We talked in detail about the latest trend of social entrepreneurship, its prospects and opportunities in Ukraine.
Social economics
Can the utopian approach "economiy works for people, not people for the economy" become the norm? Continue discussing an article on VOX Panel Discussion with:
● Artem Kornetsky, PhD, co-founder and head of the School of ME Bohdan Androschuk, PhD, Head of the Eastern Partnership Department at ChildFund Deutschland, Germany
● Yuriy Lopatynsky, founder of the Walnut House
● Social enterprise Maryna Bohun, Communications Director of the analytical platform VoxUkraine
Moderator: Olena Tochilina
Social Impact Award in Ukraine
One of the most prestigious programs for young social entrepreneurs is now available for Ukrainians!
Conversation with the founder of SIA, Jakob Detering (Austria)– English Language
Presentation of SIA Ukraine Opportunities – Ukrainian Language
Moderator: Artem Kornetsky
Crowdfunding 2021Presentation of the STALI project
Moderator: Denis Bortnikov
> Full Video on Facebook <
We Develop Mindful Entrepreneurship
In addition to our own projects, we are actively developingsocial entrepreneurship, joining quality initiatives.
Webinar "Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship"
Artem Kornetsky spoke about social entrepreneurship of the 2020 model in a joint project of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine, Diia.Business, Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv and Huawei Ukraine — webinar "Introduction to Social Entrepreneurship".
Sorted out the question:● How to develop business in the face of modern global challenges and benefit society?● The evolution of traditional business is social entrepreneurship, which allows you to solve current social problems and at the same time earn money.● On the basics of starting your own, useful for society, business, the possibility of financing and implementing social projects.
UFB International Conference #SocialBusinessInUA
Viktor Konopkin took part in the UFB International Conference #SocialBusinessInUA from the Ukrainian Philanthropists Forum on how to successfully launch the educational course "School Social Entrepreneurship", and Artem Kornetsky spoke on the topic "Social entrepreneurship: where the world and Ukraine are moving"
Ukraine 30 Forum
On March 19, Artem Kornetsky took part in a special session of the Ukraine 30 All-Ukrainian Forum, where, together with other experts, they discussed the prospects of youth social entrepreneurship.